
Updated list of scholarship opportunities (and related topics) with an emphasis toward (but not exclusive to) Historically Black Colleges and Universities and African-American Students
-Barry Wynn

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Worries About Suitability Knock '1776' From Curriculum ( "Jefferson is balking at staying in Philadelphia to write the declaration and protests to Adams: 'I've not seen my wife in six months.'
Adams responds, 'You write 10 times better than any man in Congress, including me. For a man of only 33 years, you possess a happy talent for composition and a remarkable felicity of expression. Now, will you be a patriot . . . or a lover?'
Jefferson, clearly preferring the latter, says he 'burns' for his wife, at home in Virginia.
As everyone knows, Jefferson gave in and penned the nation's divorce decree from the British. But some Fairfax students won't see the fictional account of that history, now that the county's social studies coordinator has reviewed the film at the request of a middle school principal and deemed it inappropriate.
'I watched the video,' coordinator Sara Shoob said. 'There's some sexual innuendo and language, and when you're talking about the Declaration of Independence, that does not have to be part of your discussion.' "

[ 1776? You've got to be kidding. Add this to the flap over an undergrad's slasher story (via boingboing) and it all makes me want to go take a pill and lie down. School violence has been on the rise in this country since the 60's and 70's, but ever since Columbine we've gone soft in the head. It doesn't help that it appears that the courts will entertain any old complaint these days.- Barry ]