
Updated list of scholarship opportunities (and related topics) with an emphasis toward (but not exclusive to) Historically Black Colleges and Universities and African-American Students
-Barry Wynn

Friday, July 22, 2005 - Irresistible Headlines - Man Offers Scholarships For Girls To Stay Celibate: "One Uganda lawmaker is offering girls an incentive to stay in school and stay out of bed. The member of Parliament, Sulayiman Madaada, says he'll give college scholarships to virgins.

The lawmaker says he's counting on donors to help pay for the project. Girls who want to take advantage of the virginity scholarships will have to agree to medical exams to confirm their chaste status.

The lawmaker says the scholarship offer is a way to curb AIDS and promote the education of girls." - [Right idea but something gets lost in the exectution. Just one man's opinion. - Barry]