
Updated list of scholarship opportunities (and related topics) with an emphasis toward (but not exclusive to) Historically Black Colleges and Universities and African-American Students
-Barry Wynn

Friday, March 11, 2005 - North Georgia's Newsroom - Education funding a time bomb for Georgia lawmakers?: "Paying the bill for education has just about been a forgotten topic in the Republican-led Georgia Legislature this year, overshadowed by issues like medical malpractice reform, waiting periods for abortions, and congressional redistricting." -
ed. note: Amazing. Not to single out Georgia - or Republicans for that matter - but I find the virtually uniform neglect of education across this country simply staggering. Education is a political football that get's kicked around for sound bites during election time (to thoroughly mangle a metaphor) and then gets buried behind "more pressing concerns." For instance, medical malpractice reform? abortion waiting periods? Something to please the folks back home no doubt, but of little consequence when compared to educating children. Absolutely staggering. Meanwhile our collective public education system is deteriorating before our eyes. - Barry [dismounts high horse and returns to browsing]